The Jerrabomberra area has had a rich and colourful history.

The Jerrabomberra area has had a rich and colourful history. The word Jerrabomberra originates from the Aboriginal place name meaning ‘boy frightened by storm’. Poplars and the surrounding land has been a location where people have met and enjoyed the unique landscape for generations.
Larcombes, the Riverview Group and Goodwin & Kenyon teamed up to develop the land.
Poplars Developments Pty was established.
The Queanbeyan Local Environmental Plan (Poplars) approved changing the land zoning from rural to B1 (Neighbourhood Centre) and B7 (Business Park).
QPRC approved the Development Application for the first five lot subdivision of the Retail + Services Precinct.
Works on-site commenced including the new subdivision and Tompsitt Drive intersection.
Stage 1 Retail + Services Precinct subdivision complete. Poplars launches the Innovation Precinct.
Environa Drive commences construction.
Stage 1 of the Innovation Precinct (business park) commences construction. NSW Government announces Poplars as the state’s third Regional Job Precinct. Poplars signs MoU with University of Canberra.
$71.4 million Satellite Manufacturing Hub announced for the manufacture of satellites up to 500kg at the Innovation Precinct. Subdivision works for Stage 1 of the Innovation Precinct completed. Construction of new High School commences.