Environmental Footprint
Poplars is conscious of the environmental footprint that the development of the site can have on the landscape.
Our ecologists have undertaken numerous studies of the area to establish an environmental baseline for the site and also to identify any threatened flora and fauna.
When Poplars was re-zoned in 2013 approximately 100ha of land was set aside as Environmental Conservation land. This land is now being managed to conserve and enhance the ecological attributes under a biobanking stewardship agreement with the NSW Government.
As part of the approval process the Poplars development was referred to the Commonwealth Government under the EPBC Act (EPBC 2020/8801). The development was approved with a number of mitigation and management measures to protect the environment. These measures included further avoidance of development in sensitive areas, offsets and development and implementation of management plans. A project specific Construction Management Plan (CEMP) has been developed for the site and approved by the Commonwealth and is available from the following link
We are also working with the NSW Department of Planning and Environment to obtain Biodiversity Certification for the remaining development areas in the site. Certification will ensure that environmental management for the area is considered holistically and not in a piecemeal manner.
Read the EPBC Annual Compliance Reports here
2024 EPBC Annual Compliance Report
2023 EPBC Annual Compliance Report
Poplars Developments Pty Ltd is currently progressing the planning and approval process for the proposed development of the remaining stages of the Poplars Development in Lot 1 DP1243031 and portions of Lot 6 DP1246134 and Lot 1 DP1263364, Jerrabomberra, NSW.
A draft Biodiversity Certification Assessment Report was prepared for the site and released for public comment during April / May 2023. The report is now being finalised for determination by the Department.